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WCU Stories

Waynesville mural 1

Connecting the past with the present, WCU students help with mural installation in Waynesville

Bringing together WCU students, community members and a New York City artist, turned into a work of art that celebrates the past, present and future.  

mhd bob plott

Mountain Heritage Awards call for nominations, celebrating 50th anniversary

Nominations are being accepted for the annual Mountain Heritage Awards, which recognize contributions of regional artists, nonprofit leaders and an array of organizations for their commitment to Appalachian culture and preservation or interpretation of the history of Southern Appalachia.  

craig fowler

WCU Board of Trustees present Craig Fowler with highest honor

In recognition of Craig Fowler, WCU's retiring CIO, and his exemplary service to the university, WCU’s Board of Trustees presented him with the Trustees' Award during the quarterly board meeting held on June 14.   

Brian Byrd research

Faculty members receive grant funding from NCInnovation for mosquito-borne infectious disease identification

Brian Byrd, WCU’s mosquito expert and professor, along with Scott Huffman, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics, have been approved for grant funding from NCInnovation.  

joe walker award

Facilities Management recognized with awards

Joe Walker, Western Carolina University’s associate vice chancellor for Facilities Management, has been given the 2024 Frank B. Turner award.   

kelli one day for western

Chancellor Kelli Brown 4-peats on Business NC Power List

For the fourth year in a row, Business North Carolina magazine included WCU Chancellor Kelli R. Brown in its Power List of the state’s most influential leaders.  

reid conway

University recognized for energy efforts

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality has formally recognized Western Carolina University for its efforts to reduce energy consumption.  

impact awards

Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning celebrates students, faculty with Impact Awards

Several WCU programs, faculty and students were recognized by the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning during the 2024 Impact Awards ceremony.  

fac staff awards '24

University faculty, staff awards announced for ’24

On Tuesday, April 24, the university’s faculty and staff were celebrated during the annual Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards ceremony.  

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